Friday, April 30, 2010

Future Camp!

Although I was not able to participate in Future Camp at Humber on Wednesday, it is amazing to see how the use of social media will impact the jobs that we will have both for our internships and careers in public relations.

With regards to our personal brand plans it was shocking to see who I had gained views from and who I had received comments from aside from my mentor and classmates. Although they provided very useful insight, it was very refreshing to see someone's comments who, before posting this, would have never heard from unless I sought them out.

The use of Twitter is becoming more popular every day. We see the use of social media every day, and although I was unable to attend, my thoughts of how social media is used in a corporate setting more and more is astounding.

For the past two days, I was a part of the FIFA World Cup Trophy tour. With the 2010 World Cup just over one month away, Coca-Cola and FIFA made Toronto the third last stop on an 85 country worldwide tour, showcasing the trophy to avid soccer fans all around the city. The use of social media (Twitter in particular) was seen by not only fans taking pictures with the trophy and "twitpic'ing" it, but also by popular media sources, who were documenting the trophy's whereabouts every step of the way. From the time that the Coca-Cola-FIFA jumbo jet landed at Landmark airport, to the trophy making its way to the CBC Building, Capitol Theatre and even Muchmusic to be seen during a K'Naan interview, there was an overload of pictures and tweets that not only showcased the trophy, but the many logos branded "Coca-Cola".

In the future, I do not know what line of work I will end up in. Ideally, I would like to do something in sports PR. However, one thing is confirmed. Regardless of the setting that you work in or the career path you choose, there will always be a demand for social media. The connectivity it provides to people for business will only continue to grow.

Again, although I was not able to be there, please check out some of my peers' blogs, to hear their thoughts on their experiences with Future Camp.

Aneeta Parmar - Green Eyed Moon
Zack Sandor Kerr - Pizza Friday
Shelley Burgoyne - Tipped and Pointy

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